THE LOCAL: Sara Essex Bradley, Photographer


As we prepare to dive deep into photographing The Scout Guide New Orleans Volume 9, I would like to reintroduce to you the amazing photographer who has been with me since Volume 2: Sara Essex Bradley. Here she shares a little bit more about her business and how she’s living and loving local.

What’s your business up to right now?

The first month of this, I focused on clean up – both literally in the studio, and in organizing my life in general. Next, I realized this was a great opportunity to learn some new photo software, and play around with some new lighting.  I have had some work: a commercial food shoot, and several interiors/architectural shoots, so that keeps me somewhat optimistic. The next month is looking okay, as far as bookings. Nowhere near normal, of course, but okay.

Your biggest challenge professionally and/or personally:

I think the challenge is the same for both: balance. How to balance my expectations and ambitions with reality, and to not get brought down by that. I’m keeping my mind and my eyes open, and absorbing all that is going on. I’m trying to stay focused on what I can control, and stay educated on all that I cannot, so that I make the best decisions when the time comes to make them. 

What’s bringing you joy:

It’s the fundamental things that are comforting me right now. My home and husband. My neighbors and neighborhood. My cat. As far as joy? I think joy is on a sliding scale right now. I have a delicious recipe from Jamie Oliver for pork burgers that make me pretty joyful.  I guess I’ve gotten more micro in this regard.

What you’re watching/reading/listening to:

I’m watching the comfort-food of content: my favorite old TV shows like the Sopranos and West Wing, Scrubs, the Office, and then listening to the podcasts about them. I’m reading a Jonathan Franzen novel now, as well as “Provence, 1970” about the summer that found James Beard, M.F.K. Fisher, Julia Child, Richard Olney, Simone Beck, and Judith Jones in the south of France together for a short time. Escapist reading, for sure.

Your go-to snack:

Those prosciutto wrapped cheese sticks. 2 of those at 5pm with a glass of wine. Delightful.

The local businesses/services you’re using this week:

I’m desperate to check into the Spa at Windsor Court! Besides the grocery store (Langentstein’s, Rouses) I picked up bbq from The Joint, and we ate dinner at Mopho on Friday. I recently indulged in some retail therapy, buying some new clothes at Monomin, West London BTQ, Hemline and UAL. This doesn’t technically qualify as a local business, but I spend so much time in City Park, I consider it a service. I have been donating to it as such, and hope that all the hundreds of people I see out there are as well. 

Sara Essex Bradley | Interiors and Architecture Photographer | [email protected]